

Fika-I love this word. We have no English word that means the same thing.

A moment or ritual where you slow down, connect and enjoy the good things in life with someone over coffee and food. Most important is the company, but the coffee and food enjoyable too. Swedish fika culture-I love this!!
This word caught my attention first because I adore coffee dates and also because it is an example of a positive food culture. Our food culture in the US and those recovering in it could use a dose of fika love and inspiration.

Reasons to consider a little fika in your nutrition recovery practice:

-you tap into a positive food culture and ideally a positive food moment.

-if adding energy (food) to your day or adding a food to your coffee breaks is something on your hierarchy of food recovery goals, fika could offer a new outlook.

-you are practicing eating in a social setting.-you are sharing the experience of taking a break.

-you are practicing being in the moment and enjoying your company and your food.

Vanessa Kane-Alves