Dear Peanut Butter


Dear Peanut Butter,

I am grateful that you have stood the test of time. For my lifetime you have been around. As a city girl, you make it easy to pack a sandwich in under three minutes and have it in my purse. I think you are an overlooked nutritious choice for adults. Peanuts plus or minus salt. A good source of protein, fat, vitamins and minerals. Yes please!

A peanut butter (or sunflower seed butter if you have a nut allergy) sandwich is good nutrition at its' simplest.  Not only is it easy and transportable, but it is also inexpensive, delicious and adaptable. No cooking skills or refrigeration required. 

You can put a meal or snack together with several food groups in minutes. For a family, in under 5 minutes.

I invite you to reconsider peanut butter. Take a few minutes to think about your favorite way to eat it. Smooth or crunchy? Pair it with your favorite grain food like bread, english muffins or bagels (try wheat, white, or raisin). It works with tortilla, crackers or oats. Try fruit if you like to sweeten it like raisins, apples, bananas or jam and honey or both! Add your favorite transportable veggie like cucumbers, pepper strips or cherry tomatoes as a side. If you have an option to keep it cold, add your favorite dairy food like yogurt, cheese, milk or a latte.  Tada! 

With love,


Vanessa Kane-Alves