

As my 40th approaches this week I am setting my intentions and making wishes ...a 40th manifesto list of the things I'm letting go of and what I would like to invite into my life and make space for. I'm always wishing to invite more food peace and joy into our world. I am hoping to have left a bit more of this behind as a legacy. 

A wise mentor of mine asks me every year what I've learned. When you have both worked for nearly two decades with people and their food lives, and been an eater for nearly four decades, you learn a lot about how people celebrate birthdays or don't and the impact of these tiny yet mighty moments. They matter.

Birthdays are your special milestone to celebrate in all the ways that are a testament to you. Food included. Candles. Chocolate, vanilla, funfetti, ice cream or not. What is your favorite birthday treat? 

Can you work toward a little bit of peace around your birthday this year? Can you give yourself permission to advocate for it and enjoy it this year? Can you create a plan for your day that can both honor this food joy preference while still holding on to the rest of your recovery and/or self-care work?  No one food or day of eating will make or break your nutrition. This is another time that not experiencing food joy in these ways can do just that. 

Give yourself a moment on your day to sit, make some wishes and enjoy this very old piece of our food culture. For many of us, we have been celebrating in this way for as long as we have been alive. 

Vanessa Kane-Alves