Seasonal List Making


Not the kind you are thinking, more of a life list for the season.

This weekend, I was inspired by my fun-loving sister-in-law and her Fall list. She sat down, pen to paper and wrote what she would like most to fill her Fall with. This seemed simple and profound to me. A list of things about our lives to look forward to as defined by us! We were then inspired to start the next seasons' list together filled with favorite traditions we wanted to continue and a few new experiences we wanted to try. Interesting to note that food was only one part of this list.

For those working toward recovery, the focus on food as the main event around the season of holidays can be overwhelming, stressful and isolating. For many, the memories of holidays growing up were some of the most stressful and not the ones we want to repeat. 

Thoughts to consider for your seasonal life list:

1. Give yourself a choice. What parts of the season and holidays are most precious and special to you? Try this instead of feeling obligated to so much of the stress and pressure. 

2. Reconsider your traditions. Decide this year about the ones you would want to keep and continue on versus those that no longer fit. For me, I am imagining a start at Halloween then Thanksgiving with true Thanks-giving and a seasonal life list that goes through the New Year. 

3. Could you reimagine how to do this bit by bit each day of the season versus everything having to happen on one holiday? Could this change your view and allow you to stay grounded in what grounds you, to take good care, and to remain peaceful? 

A life list can be one tiny way to build a life you want to live in and with time grow to love. 

Share your life list for the season if you are inspired! Follow me on instagram to see some of my list with #lifelist.  For more support around nutrition for the holidays, check out our guide

Vanessa Kane-Alves