Dresses with Pockets


On the road to recovering body esteem, all humans will encounter the fact that bodies change over time. Every single one of them. The message that women's bodies especially should remain the same after the end of puberty for the rest of life is 100% bananas.  Join me in telling others this truth.

With that changing, is the need to get dressed for many different reasons. One of my favorite subjects to talk about on this windy road to recovery is "rebranding yourself in recovery." How to think differently about dressing a well body. A changing body. As is true with many things, we can look to the tiniest humans for inspiration on this. Tiny humans consider the following when asked about clothing, getting dressed, etc.:

-Is it my favorite color?

-Does it have a picture of something I love and can recognize as a part of my world (ice cream trucks, space ships, bananas, rainbows)

-Is there something interesting about the way it feels?

-Is it soft and cozy?

-Can it be used for playing and all sorts of dramatic acts?

-Am I too hot, too cold or the complete opposite and just want to wear it anyway?

-Can I dance, spin, jump, twirl in it?

-Is it a special thing to wear that someone I think is awesome wears (firefighter,

-Is it something that I get to wear to do aspecial activity (formal clothes, walking in rain, snow, hats, sports uniforms)?

-Does it have pockets to hide my treasures in?

-Is it easy for me to get on and off?

-Shoes, boots, slippers, sandals..so much of the same. Colors, doing a special activity, keeping my feet warm, dry, helping me to walk in sand, snow.

Get support for letting go of the clothes, shoes, boots, jewels, undergarments you need to in order to rebrand yourself well.

Get support to shop if you need it! There are resources out there from recovery advocates to accompany you, goal setting in session with your team to my shopping guide to recovery for a list of steps.

Vanessa Kane-Alves